Looking For A Place To Hunt?

If you are looking for adventure, you have come to the right place. We have plenty of land to hunt, expert guides, fast wily birds and trophy deer just waiting to give you an action-packed adventure of a lifetime!
Where: Ringneck Ranch, Inc. 655 Solomon Ln. Tipton, KS 67485
When: Wednesday August 24th Social and Supper at 7 P.M.
Thursday August 25th Convention with Breakfast and Lunch
Convention Details:
For Immediate Release:
October 7, 2021
Nadia Reimer, Chief of Public Affairs
(785) 338-3036
KDWP Introduces Fully-online Option for Hunter Education Certification
For Immediate Release:
September 30, 2021
Nadia Reimer, Chief of Public Affairs
(785) 338-3036
Public Comment Encouraged on Proposed Agreements to Protect 14 Aquatic Species in Kansas
March 8, 2019
The 8th week of the 2019 legislative session was a short one. Legislators returned to work on Wednesday after the House of Origin break and not much is happening today in the statehouse. A full week of hearings will get underway next week with two weeks of committee hearings on tap and then another week of floor activity heading to the Second House of Origin deadline on Wednesday, March 27.
For all intents and purposes, the Kansas Legislature completed the 7th week of the session yesterday with the conclusion of General Orders floor debate over bills today, with only pro forma work on tap for today. February 28 is the scheduled House of Origin deadline for the session.
Legislative & Political Update
December 3, 2018
On November 6, 2018, State Senator Laura Kelly (D-Topeka) was elected to be the next Governor of the State of Kansas. She will be sworn into office on Monday, January 14, 2019, which is the date in which all constitutional officers are sworn in along with members of the Kansas House.
Within a week of her election, Governor-elect Kelly announced her transition team to help her review state government agencies and programs in advance of naming her own cabinet members and senior agency officials.
The Kansas Legislature reached First Adjournment this morning shortly after midnight. Attached is a general legislative report on the session to date.
I included comments on the CSA bill and the deer bill. SB 301, which proposed to require outfitters and guides to register with the KDWP&T passed the Senate, but was not taken up by the House nor incorporated into a conference committee report and should be done with for the session.
Legislators return to Topeka on Thursday, April 26 to begin the Veto Session.
Governor Colyer signed HB 2558. Next year the CSA Season will end on April 30 instead of March 31.
Best regards,
Whitney Damron
919 South Kansas Avenue
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1210
(785) 354-1354(O) - (785)224-6666 (M)
Of note... see the section on Wildlife and Parks bills and take note of a likely attempt to amend a tax bill on Monday with a repeal of certain sales tax exemptions... will see if gamebirds are a part of that effort.
Whitney Damron
Whitney B. Damron, P.A.
919 South Kansas Avenue
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1210
(785) 354-1354 (O) - (785) 224-6666 (M)